Kellogg’s All-Bran Flakes Cereal


Kellogg’s All-Bran Flakes Is Packed With The goodness Of Wheat bran Fibre to aid In maIntaInIng Your Everyday digestive wellbeIng. A Bowl Of Kellogg’s All-Bran Flakes Is High In Fibre And gives You 36% Of The recommended daily Fibre requirement.

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SKU: 6001306000897 Category:


Allergens: Wheat (Gluten) And Barley (Gluten)

Ingredients: Wheat (Whole Wheat [80%]) (Gluten), Sugar, Malt Extract (Barley) (Gluten), Salt, Folic Acid, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Iron.

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